Special Offer for Riding Lessons
6 lessons for the price of 4...
2020 Equitation Workshops during July - During the month of July we will be organising morning workshops for children from the age of 8 years onwards in groups up to a maximum of 14 participants. From Tuesday to Sunday, days as convenient with previous reservation. The price is 20€ per pupil per day. The timetable from 08.00 until 14.00h, with the following programme:
08.00 Start, catching horses in the field, feeding hay and water, sweeping up the yard. Grooming and tacking up the horses
09.00 Group riding lesson, mucking out stables
10.00 Group riding lesson, mucking out stables
11.00 Break, juice or soft drinks
11.30 Hack out in the country in groups, showering horses and cleaning tack
12.30 Hack out in the country in groups, showering horses and cleaning tack
13.30 Feeding the horses mix, water and straw, tidying up
In stead of Hack out in the country we can also do voltige, or jumping lessons, on request by the pupils
The start time at 08.00 is in order to take advantage of the cooler first hours of the day and to facilitate transport options to parents who work, this is absolutely voluntary.
We offer a wide programme of Riding and Care of the Horse. There will be approximately 6 hours equitation per day between riding lessons, theory and practice in the care and management of horses.
Our aim is to promote inter-cultural interaction between kids of several different nationalities.
All the teaching will be in English. Our instructors are native English speakers. The English teachers are qualified native speakers. Our aim is to improve and reinforce vocabulary and stimulate oral communication between children and teachers through the use of English as the vehicular language of the camp during lessons and by having lots of fun.
We can also provide the same programme in Spanish for children of other nationalities who wish to improve their level of spoken Spanish.
For further information and application forms contact info@centroecuestrelasminas.com
At Cortijo Las Minas Equestrian Centre for the last few years we have been working together with the Federación Andaluza de Caza - (The Andalusian Hunting and Shooting Federation) to offer Children's Summer Camps.
The Federación Andaluza de Caza, as owners of the 'Carlos Astorga Activity Centre', (of which Hotel Carlos Astorga forms part), which is right next door to Cortijo Las Minas Equestrian Centre, offers Summer Camps during the month of July for kids between the ages of 8 and 14 years old, for their members families and the general public.
During these summer camps the accommodation is in log cabins specially built for the purpose, which sleep 4 people each and are fully equipped, for a total occupation of 40 people at Carlos Astorga Activity Centre.
These camps offer a wide programme of activities related to nature, the environment and hunting or shooting, such as workshops on environmental studies, nature trails and bird watching; there are dog training demonstrations with retrievers, falconry demonstrations and astronomy.
They also offer a wide range of outdoor activities such as HORSE RIDING at Cortijo Las Minas Equestrian Centre, climbing, abseiling, zip line, mountain biking, archery, target practice and paint ball.
There is swimming pool and free time in the afternoons and in the evenings after supper, games and dancing.
Each Summer Camp has an excursion to a theme park such as AcuaVélis, Parque Acuático, or Isla Mágica, or to a place of Natural, Historic or Scientific interest such as "El Torcal" in Antequera.
To see itinerary and
for More Information: Federación Andaluza de Caza